
I joke and I kid and I laugh and I play
But could it be that they don't take it that way?
I'm paranoid about hurting people's feelings
But my nature is joking without meaning
I love you my friend, you are dear to me
But I'm as hurt as a hurt friend can be
That you don't know me well enough
To know to ignore all that kind of stuff
Maybe I should stop it
Take all my humor and drop it
Maybe I should be quiet 
So they don't buy it
Maybe I should stop talking 
Because my words mean nothing 
Maybe my voice is useless
I don't use it with purpose
So that's how I'll be
I'll hide with my heart in the corner, you see
I'll be just like the others and not say a word
Until someone asks me to talk, don't say it's absurd
You'd like it better that way I know you'd deny it
But again, those jokes that I play, you buy it
You all buy it in fact
"You're out of the band" was just an act
Just tell me I bully
Tell me straight up
I won't sit there all drooly 
I'll just shut myself up
I'll be like my mind
Close myself up and wait for a time
I might open up to someone, someday I bet
But for now, I'll let that quietness set
I won't talk without purpose
I won't joke at all
My joy is all on the surface
It's been all along


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