I sat on a chair. Before me was a landscape of glass to the horizon. The glass was stained by the light that reflected off of it. The tiny waves broke the glass occasionally and the few boats in the distance sailed it. My chair sat five feet up from where the foam of the ocean met the sand and the sand was beautiful. If you looked close enough you would see millions and millions of grains of sand all one big sandy color blended, but individually they were all separate and different. Where the water washed over the sand and went back to its territory, the sand underneath that thin blanket was dark and wet. The light of the setting sun reflected off of it, like the ocean behind. The clouds were nowhere to be seen. The sky was so many colors. If I looked straight up, I would see a black sky with a few white, twinkling stars scattered through the mix of cosmos. If I looked straight ahead, I see the brightest star in our sky, the sun, orange and fiery, sitting on top of the horizon. A line of that same orange streaked straight down on the water, coming to my feet. A line of that same orange also jutted straight out from both sides of the sun along the horizon. Between the night sky, and the beautiful orange of the sun was a mixture of orange and yellow and pink and blue and this was all reflected on the glass ocean in front of me. My whole vision was a mix of the most beautiful colors you could imagine. The scent of the salty sea surrounded me and washed through the air. In the scent I could sense sea creatures and the beach and the relaxation itself. My bare feet felt the soft, wet sand underneath me and it just added to the sesation of awe I felt, staring at the sunset. All I heard was the light waves brushing the sand back and forth. I looked back up and saw the silhouettes of nine seagulls fly in front of all the colors. Silently they flew and as they flew from the right of my vision to the left, they carried a magnet that slowly closed my eyelids as they went and by the time they left my vision, my eyes where closed. I could still see the memory of that beautiful sight in front of me until it faded with my consciousness as I fell asleep.
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