A Day in the Life of Martha
Martha is a nice girl. She lives in the center of America. Los Angeles. Martha really enjoys watching the Lakers. Martha roots more for the Clippers. Martha lives in the basement of her parent's house. Martha plays four instruments. These include: the guitar. Martha loves to paint. Sometimes Martha paints a picture of her grandmother. Martha has a very nice fan in her room made out of the finest material. Martha's parents died when they were both nine and a half. Martha's grandmother ran off with a pirate in Columbia in 1967. Martha enjoys watching the Jimmy Fallon show and What Not to Wear. Martha lost everything in a fire during the dust bowl of the 1950's. Martha's guitar is made out of the finest material. Martha paints self portraits very often. Martha's husband is a farmer. Martha demonstrates Newton's laws of gravity on a daily basis to a crowd of kindergarteners with a pen. Martha always gets her pens with the finest material. Martha's husband died in a fire in the dust bowl in the 1950's. Martha paints things on her wall in the basement of her parent's house. Martha misses her parents. Martha has a problem with rats in her basement. Martha only uses red paint. Martha is older than most people who are younger than twelve. Martha had a friend in seventh grade. Martha wants to marry a man named John. Martha does not know a man named John. Martha is such a big football fan. Martha only watches football. Martha never watches anything else on the whole entire television. Martha will never live in America. She doesn't like the atmosphere. Martha enjoys clipping roots. Martha's parents have never owned a house. Martha plays the harmonica. Martha always makes her harmonicas of the finest material. Martha only paints self portraits. Martha never had parents. Martha never had children. Martha never had a grandmother. Martha now lives in the home of a dead pirate who never existed. Martha has never left this basement. Martha's diet is strict to small grey rodents. Martha is alive. Martha paints self portraits of her grandmother in red paint on the walls of her dead nonexistent parents who did not die when they were nine and a half. Martha is a farmer. Martha is the only farmer who has ever existed. Martha sits every day to watch someone explain Newton's laws of gravity with a pen made out of rubber. Martha can not play the guitar. Martha loves her harmonica. Martha's harmonicas are made out of rubber. Martha makes her paint of guitars. Guitars are made out of harmonicas. Martha paints harmonica self portraits of her grandmother farmer who was in seventh grade and played for the Clippers and the Lakers, who was a pirate and died in the dust bowl of the 1950's. Martha paints with red paint only. Martha can not paint without rubber. And rats. Martha is not married. Martha knows John. Martha looked into a mirror and saw the only thing that she ever knew existed in life and that was her grandmother. Martha is looking at the wall of a basement in Columbia which no longer exists. Martha is eleven years old. Martha's grandmother only ate rats. Did I mention that Wales no longer accepts diagrams of machinery from the Communists who live in Martha's basement?
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