I'll pray

I'm plugging my ears for the stuff I can't hear
And I'm cutting the lights for the things I don't like
I'm trying to stop them from coming my way
I'm trying to stop them to help me stay sane
I understand now the whole schooling battle
Because some of the things now are just a rattle
A faint little disturbance instead of a shock
When for the first time I heard them I jumped out of my socks
I don't want to get used to them, cuz it will lead to usage
And I know that a fact because I used to use them
He fixed up my life and I never said them again
In fear that she might hear of my terrible sins
But yes, I confess, I at one time was that
Someone, or something, that spoke all that crap
But I'm fighting it now, human nature I mean
Because the things people say is stuff they can't scream
It's disguised among certain little words
Little phrases and joking about homosexuality and turds
They want to say more about their pain and their struggle
So I can't let that effect me but I got to stay humble
I have to help with their life because I understand that cry
"I need something more so I'll mess with my life
I'll get myself attention by not being me
And I'll say things that I would never mean."
So what do I do to help them if I don't want that language?
I know what it feels like but getting too close is dangerous
So I'll pray and I'll pray and I'll pray and I'll pray
Because Jesus will help them to not stay astray
He knows in his heart that Jesus is Lord
But he has to much pain in his life to get out the words
He's too ashamed to say it, that he has his own flaws
So much so that he acts like God knows Santa Clause
But he knows it, I know, because I've seen him get preached to
He's intelligent, knows the answers, and obviously once believed, too
So now his struggle is all in the heart
He knows the first step but doesn't know where to start
So I'll pray and I'll pray and I'll pray
Because Jesus can do it, just wait for the time and place


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