
There's a cricket and the room and it won't get eaten
It chirps all day, yes it chirps without ceasing
It's there right now, I can hear it mocking me
Because I can't eat it so he's saying "nothing's stopping me!"
I could reach inside and kill it with a knife
I could reach inside and it might think it can hide
But I won't
How long is the life span of that stupid cricket
I guess we'll find out since I choose not to kill it
But it's in a dragons cage, and if spike feels the rage
He could surely just devour it quickly
But spikes not as annoyed as
-oh my gosh it stopped
The chirping has stopped oh, could it be true?
No. It hasn't. A disgusting two words: it resumed.
Why can't the dragon just eat it up
So that everyone in the house might not throw up
From this incredibly annoying chirping we hear
24/7 subconscious in our ears
It's going louder and faster now
It won't stop 
It won't stop


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