There's this girl that I know. Sometimes she just stares off into the distance and I just look at those sad beautiful eyes. Sometimes she notices and looks at me and smiles and goes, "what?" and other times she just keeps staring. I always wonder what she's thinking about in that complex mind of hers. I always take these moments to study her face. Like it's the last time I'll ever see her. Or the first. She always complains that a cow licked her hair or something, but I don't ever know what she's talking about. It always falls off perfectly to the right side of her face, looking from her eyes. I've spent so much time just staring at that scene that I know it front and back. It's like I've binge watched her face, but it never bores me. It's always amazing. She's always deep in thought and what I would give just to see what she's thinking about. She always says, "nothing!" but I know she spends a lot of time 'processing.' I don't really know exactly what happens when she processes things, but it's like going back over things in her head or something. She never lets time pass her by. She always uses it fully. It's efficient. But I guess it could be stressful. That could be why her eyes are sad. I like to listen to her sing, because she doesn't like sit there trying to sound good or anything, but she just sings and puts her heart into it and it makes it sound real. Real beautiful. And real. I don't think she really knows she has such a good voice though. Most people that know they do try to do weird vibrations and high pitched stuff and like juggle around their vocal chords. She just sings and it's so real. And her fingers play the guitar occasionally and sometimes I get to watch. I've watched twice. And you can tell she's putting all her focus into trying not to mess up and so her singing is without thinking. But she's also a natural at guitar so her voice sounds real and her guitar sounds amazing. She also giggles a lot. Everybody talks about her giggle. My mom talked about her giggle even way back when she came on a boat with us once. She's getting better at staring contests, but I always win and she always giggles. She says, "oh yeah?" a lot after I tell her things. I always reply, "yeah :)" I don't think she trusts me that much anymore 'cause I always trick her about books I haven't read and say that I've read them and I quickly google them and go onto cliffnotes and analyze the book. The first time, honestly, was just so I could kind of flirt with her and 'connect' with her about a favorite childhood book. Then it just got really fun. She's pretty gullible sometimes. I lost my phone and then when I found it I called her with a deep voice and told her I found Joseph's phone and I asked if she knew where to find me and she totally fell for it. I don't think she's ever lied to me. She's so honest. I've been a jerk and she is nice to me though it. She is loyal. I always tell her, "I told you blah blah blah" and she goes, "I'm sorry, I must have forgotten." when she could just say, "that's not true." because we both know that she has never forgotten anything. When bad things happen, she always says she's sorry, even though they are not her fault at all. And even though she is smarter and prettier and cooler than everyone else, she is so humble. Like at prom, sometimes she would tell girls, "you're so beautiful!" and "I love your dress!" but it was kind of weird because everyone in the building knew that it was the most beautiful girl in the whole prom telling them that. And like her voice, she was the real most beautiful one. All the other girls actually tried. This girl, nuh uh. It's all natural. She doesn't even wear makeup that much and still everyone knows that she's prettier than them. I like how she's happy with who she is. With how she looks and her personality and stuff. She's kind of nerdy sometimes but nobody can say anything 'cause first, we all are, and she's the one that's brave and shows it, and second, she's prettier than all of them so they can't really say anything. It's cool because she's Asian so she's like super smart, and also I'm pretty sure she's one of the daughters of Aphrodite so she makes like everyone fall in love with her and stuff, and also, she's the purest girl I know and cares about her walk with the Lord above everything else, like even the fact that she's prettier than everyone else.
They are so great. My second family, I mean. They come over every once in a while and their smiles light up the world. They comfort me and never fail to make me laugh. Our families correspond way too well and we laugh about that. I know they will always be there for me and those are the kind of people I want in my life. :)
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