
Showing posts from November, 2016
Warning: sappy love stuff If you're judging, it's cause you are jealous :P  *boxes out everyone else* Emily Grey, you have no idea how much you mean to me. I constantly think about you, but my hope is that you're happy. When I make you laugh, when I make you smile- That's mission accomplished When you sent that text: "You make me the happiest girl alive" That's mission accomplished. But it restarts every time.  I want to forever make you the happiest girl alive. That's all I want.  I hope you read this and smile, because That's mission accomplished.  I don't know what I'm supposed to be one day. I don't know if I should know or not, But if you're by my side, I'm happy.  If I could look into the future, and you were there, That's mission accomplished.  I don't know if anyone still reads this at all; even you really.. But if you happen to stumble upon this, know that your Jo...
I've never thought about the story of Peter walking on water to Jesus this way. The life altering moment when Peter climbed out of his boat onto the giant waves that could have just in one second brought him under and killed him is the moment when we accept Christ. It is a leap of faith, it really is. By accepting Christ, you say, although I've never physically seen a person die and go to heaven, and although there's no way for me to have physical proof that this will save me or that this is real, I believe it with my whole heart and I'm giving my life to this. It was the same thing with Peter. He had never seen anyone else walking around with Jesus on the water. He had no proof whatsoever that this would work and he wouldn't just die right then, but he took that leap of faith. As he is walking on the water, this is our Christian walk. This is where we cannot live without God. This is where we realize that we are nothing without Him and without His support we are...
Honestly really missing the days when we would all hang out at the Grey's and watch a movie or play games. Emily and I hopeful that it would last forever. Grace, Hannah, Emily, Ethan, and Nick, y'all will always be my squad. Miss y'all so much. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fi 'n sylweddol yn dymuno na fyddai drama rhwygo ar wahân cyfeillgarwch. Doedd gen i ddim rhan yn -. .. -.-. -.- Ac .... .- -. -. .- .... .----. ... Perthynas ac yr wyf yn cael unrhyw ran yn -. .-. .- -.-. . a. - .... .- -. .----. ... Berthynas, ond yn dal eu bod yn torri o flaen fy a lladd fy ngrŵp ffrind mewn eiliad. Onest, roedd gan y merched yn y grŵp hwnnw unrhyw barch at y guys oedd am berthynas. Bobl sy'n derbyn gofal am ei gilydd a phobl taflu i ffwrdd. Rwy'n gwybod fy mod yn cael unrhyw fusnes yn dwlu ar pam eu bod yn torri i fyny, ond yr wyf yn dymuno nad oeddent erioed wedi gotten at ei...