
I wish I could go back to being the boy
Who wore basketball jerseys and gave you joy.
The one where I'd say something and you'd think it was great
And go home and write about it in the journal you made.
The boy that you admired and it wasn't dramatic love stuff,
But you saw me once a week and that was enough.
So I could experience it again, the best time of my life:
Falling in love with you for the very first time.
Doing stupid things to impress you, which I think you secretly know
Swept you off your feet when I reenacted those asdf videos.
When all of our friends hadn't taken it all,
The crushes, the relationships, the drama, the fall,
When you and me seemed like a possibility
One that I'd fight tirelessly to achieve.
When you'd predict what I was thinking and you'd keep it quiet
And giggle to yourself when I finally caught onto it.

Oh, how things were different then,
But I still try to be your Peter Pan


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