I just thought up some lyrics and wanted to jot them down,

Walkin down the hall you think you look all tough
but is that because you thinkin that your life's all rough
you need to think about somebody else's feelings
and all the other crap that they been dealin with
the world looks at you and dissaproves
cuz you been pickin on the kids that have nothin to do
we are all the same here buddy we got our struggles
I know all our lives are cruddy but the smuggles?
The pushin the punchin the smushin the crushin
The worst you can do is use your words for kung foo
You break us all down by breakin our crowns
You know we try to understand your situation we do
But its hard to look past all the rude stuff you do
It does you even worse I swear
To let them know nobody cares
Cuz when you thinkin your friends'll be there
All you get is murderous stares
I learned somethin new this week
about all these kids I never thought I'd meet
You look and automatically say
I dont know why that kid is acting or looking that way
You know you'd never thought that they'd be cool
Cool enough to make you cool kids drool
God made them unique and so with every judge you keep you pull yourself so deep that you'll realize you're a creep
You realize someday that they are the ones needin respect
they deal with this inability and still themselves they protect
A lot handel this life and should be cryin
But instead you with everything are over there whining
They find happiness in the little things they have and
You have a BMW a nice house and your a savage
You have a rough life but look on it with joy
I know a man in a wheel chair that can barely say "boy"
But he laughs, he lives, he loves
When he was born, he rose above
So next time you think about pushin a head down in a toilett
Make sure it will benefit your life so you know it's worth it
I garuntee you won't find a need
and the next moment you will need to plead
Jesus understands you, he doesnt want this it's true
for you to look at other people and say I'm better than you
He will be there for you 100% of the time
And that's why I'm sittin here singin these rhymes
I want you to know that somebody cares
Whatever needless junk you hate in your life, you'll know that your savior's there
So brace for impact and make sure you're prepared
God will show you a new life so just accept it I dare
You hiding and cryin you pushin, punchin cuz you scared
"I love you my son don't hide anymore" he blares

For all those who have felt bullied some time in their life, and all those bullies.


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