
I would say to someone who practices teenage smoking or an addiction to pot or homosexuality or theft that it is a sin and as long as they continue to live in it and not strive to quit, they are living a life of sin with separation from the glory of God. But what hypocrisy. Is that not the same as lying? And how often do we lie to one another? How vast is the Father's grace? I am no better at all. I'm on the billboard for the broken! I sin left and right and though I recognize the sin, there is no friction. I know the Lord is my refuge and my shield. We are too weak. We cannot fight; not one of us. So we fall on Him who sin flees from. How hard is it to let go and fall on something better and stronger than us? How hard is it?? Because I can't seem to do it when I'm alone. God be praised, for His steadfast love endures forever. The unconditional love of the Father has saved me from my brokenness! I am no longer a slave to fear; for I am a child of God! 


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