Prompt # 73, "Hurricane, Flashlight, Lawn Mower"
The lights shut off. The world was shaking. Things were falling. I went out. I woke up in a mess of broken... everything. My vision was blurry and my head was spinning. The sky was perfectly clear but I could tell, something happened. Something big. I walked and I walked but never saw a single person. Just when I was about to give up, I saw something that I would have never expected. On the left side of the street, a house was leveled. Now this was not a rare occurance. Many of the houses were completely leveled. This one was leveled to a doughnut shape. In the middle was a floor with a couch. And across the... room... was a television on a cabinet. Hello folks! This is news at nine! Today, if you have not already noticed, we have had a very rare type of storm. And I believe I speak for all of us when I say that this was quite frightening. Scientists say that this occurance was always theoretically possible, but the odds of it happening were very slim. The wind...