Prompt #20: The Color of Hunger

Sally lived in a rainbow world. There were green trees and blue skies. There were brown cows and red flowers. These words to describe something else were called colors.

Sally woke up neon yellow. She was electric blue for the day! It was the orangest day of the blue year! She off-whitely grabbed some cereal and milk and headed out. She was slime green at the bus stop so she set her backpack down and got out her brand silver phone. She had about purple contacts because she just got it, but she texted the yellowest one. Hey red-with-yellow-polka-dots boy. You electric blue for the orangest, most red day of the blue year? He replied within yellow minute.  Yes! I am just grabbing some pancakes real off white than I'll be there. 'I only grabbed about brown bites of cereal. How could he be black on a day like this?' she thought to herself.  Minte! Hurry up! 


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