That's not Irony

We learned about irony of situation today in English class. It is something that happens that the reader doesn't expect. (I'm foreshadowing hint hint) She told us not to make foreshadows obvious but I decided it would be more fun. So I left english class thinking about this. All the irony we learned about and irony of situation stuck out to me the most. Yes, I love sarcasm and yes I love ironic statements but what's better than something just happening that you would have never *trips on a snail into a pit of lava* [Hello this is filler text to make it appear that the story is longer than it really is so you wouldn't see the irony of situation coming even though I hinted it so much and foreshadowed very obviously. I saw a deer today. I should practice my writing more, said the little scarecrow with an "I heart Katy Perry's Orthodontist" poster wedged in between his teeth.] 

Ah the irony. 


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