Prompt # 73, "Hurricane, Flashlight, Lawn Mower"
The lights shut off. The world was shaking. Things were falling. I went out.
I woke up in a mess of broken... everything. My vision was blurry and my head was spinning. The sky was perfectly clear but I could tell, something happened. Something big. I walked and I walked but never saw a single person. Just when I was about to give up, I saw something that I would have never expected. On the left side of the street, a house was leveled. Now this was not a rare occurance. Many of the houses were completely leveled. This one was leveled to a doughnut shape. In the middle was a floor with a couch. And across the... room... was a television on a cabinet.
Hello folks! This is news at nine!
Today, if you have not already noticed, we have had a very rare type of storm.
And I believe I speak for all of us when I say that this was quite frightening.
Scientists say that this occurance was always theoretically possible, but the odds of it happening were very slim. The wind and the tide have to be just right, along with many other factors. This hurricane-like storm was worldwide. It effected nearly every country in the world, excluding the southern tip of Argentina and small parts of Australia, Canada, and Russia. But it was wiped out the places it has hit. Helicoptors sent from Moscow, the only major city, along with Sydney, that survived the Hellicane.
If you live in an effected part of the world, and you are indeed living, you must find these two important items. A flashlight, and a lawn mower. Now what you need to do with these two items, you will need to listen closely. I don't even know if I am talking to any one right now, but if you find these two items, stay tuned after the commercial break!