
I wonder through a thick forest. The wind is streaming through the pine trees. I am lost. I think I know where I am going but I don't read the map. I don't read it because I have read it so many times before gaining no new knowledge. Twice a week I feel like I have found a path but it fades quickly. Both times I hear the same thing. Read the map. I glance at it and it all makes sense. The path fades and I don't understand the map again. The map tells me how to ask for directions but I always forget when it is needed. Somehow by taking an Epic Trek, i found myself. After a year, I really need this Journey.


  1. AHHH I UNDERSTOOD ALL THE REFERENCES!! Anyway, the map kinda sounds like the bible. I don't know, that's whats cool about writing, it means different things to different people.


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