
I'm running 
Someone is chasing me
No, it's not like that
My jersey is dripping with sweat
My hair is soaked wet
And my shoes and burning up
The ground is shiny
A red line across the center that I pass
I find a curved line and someone in front of me
I am trapped
This ball I am dribbling
It is perfect
It is mine
It is my logo
My personality
I am the ball
I take it through the three men trapping me and leave them in the dust
Familiar faces call out to me
I look up to see a scoreboard
It says 43 to 8
I look around
I am home
This is my court
I own this court
I have always
Owned this court
The men come behind me and I swing it around my back
Then through my legs from behind
And I spin
That is my trademark
I am at the basket
My team calls out to me again
But not to pass
Not to shoot
Not to score
Not to jump
Not to swat
Not to block
Not to steal
Not to dribble
Only to play
I blink
And I am on the sidelines 
And I look at the scoreboard
43 to 8
I am home
This is my court
They took my court


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