Dreaming of Saturday

I've been dreaming of saturday
In a small portable building
I'll be jamming to music
And you'll be there watching
I don't know how I'll do
And I don't know if I'll regret it
But I've always wanted an excuse to sing to you

I've been dreaming of saturday
My guitar strings vibrating
producing a sound that I'm hoping
will be to the ears pleasing
My drums will bang as they always do
But my voice doesn't get practice
Like those drum sticks do

I've been dreaming of saturday
What will you think?
Will I mess up in front of you
Will you be gone before I blink?
I know I'm just thinking
And it's very irrational
But the song that I'm singing
Is extremely practical

I've been dreaming of saturday
My hope's to impress
And while we are playing those worship songs
My mind's in distress
Because my heart will be pounding
As it gets to my song
They want me to play Neverland
Maybe you'll sing along


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