Pages of Sky

He's trapped inside this world
With a painted and fake horizon 
Waits for us to feed him
But I call him a dragon
He latches on and dreams of flight
But it's too bad he doesn't have wings
Isn't that what we all wish we had
Wings: such wonderous things. 
But we don't all need wings to fly
She could always manage
Somehow to get up in the sky
But maybe she has an advantage
Think of happy things I said
And she's never doubted a word
A single one that came out of my mouth
No matter how absurd
So she jumps up and just starts believing
Her faith never trembling
And down below we gathered up
We didn't know for what we were assembling 
But we all looked up and gasped for air
When the girl, she starts to fly
She's such a natural, it was made for her
I zone out till I hear, "Oh my!"
And I flinch and look up and she's higher than me
Doing loop-the-loops
The one very trick I could never master
But she's inspired the group
All of our friends follow after her
I'm included in this
And we all take off holding onto our hair
The ground, we could never miss
Looking at her now, she's our lead
We flew off in the night
Round one corner to early September
Man, she's shining bright
We keep on going, some people transform
We're now in late September
We hear of a death, but we don't have to guess
Jack Frost "couldn't remember"
So we take off again, all of our friends
Wendy flying faster than a jet
We reach the first of the very next month
And this day, I can't tell what will happen yet
So the squad takes off with our autographs
And all of our new T-shirts
But the very next day, we cannot wear them
No, we clean off all of our dirt
She looks astounding in that dress
Her brown hair curling down
The squad meets back up and frost grabs my arm
And we laugh hearing nothing of a frown
Time is frozen and as we sway 
I hear her whisper some words
"Let's take off again, Peter Pan."
"Okay." And we're up with the birds
Don't ask me now when we'll come back down
We only will keep flying higher
Nothing will weigh us, nothing will break us
And I turn the page of the next sky 


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