
Hey, don't worry about it
It's just a day
And hey you don't have to hold in your tears
I promise, it will be ok
You're doing so amazing
You impress me everyday
And you've got me here behind you
And your God every step of the way
Every day is a blessing
And some are harder than most
And these blessings can sting and hurt
But oh you will be so strong
You are a trooper
A warrior
An amazon
And I believe in you
And I'll be there to help turn your page
If you think you're gonna fall
Third or second wasn't meant for you
Emily, you've got it in the bag
Believe in yourself half as much as I do
And you'll be the most confident warrior of all
I call you about these silly things and I "ask for your advice"
Funny thing is, it's always great
But the purpose was the sound of your voice
I don't mean to be asking of you
And I wish that I could give
I don't wish I could snap my fingers and your problems are gone
I'd climb a mountain with a fat dude on my back
I'd hold my breath as long as a Ralex stare
I'd listen to an off tempo beep with Nick singing about tacos
I'd walk into the Grethan's lair
Stop- and take a moment for you
You won't let them down
You won't let them down
They can wipe their own tears, because these problems aren't real
They have too much time
They have too much time
And for you, listen to me
It's not too much. You can do this.
You run and I'll catch you
I never believed the word fine
You don't have to act
And you jump off that plank and I'll catch you
Nobody's gonna hear that sound of the water
Think happy things think happy things
They pour into you because they think you can
They think you can
I think you can
I know you can


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