
I wanna go back to those nights
Of holding you close to me
Of singing along
And jumping, baby
I wanna go back to those nights
Of dancing around
Of holding your hands
As we sway to the sound
I wanna go back
And I wanna get stuck
I want it to last
So wish us good luck
I'll try and try to get them back
Or get us some more
It swings open, the door
So we'll swing and we'll swing
And I'll carry you around
And your dress will look beautiful
And we'll sway to the sound
Your hair short and curled
And mine who knows where
And my shoes all shiny
And yours way over there
But you spin and come back
And we take a step left
And the wood floor is glowing
With the magic in our step
And your eyes are lit up
And I can't help but grin
Because I think of all the unlucky fools in the gym
Who were dancing around and didn't realize that the only girl that they ever should have looked for but can't have anymore was standing in the corner drinking punch and they didn't take the time that could have made their life wonderful to turn around
And so we're dancing in the middle
The band's playing for us
And all those miserable fools
They tap to the fiddle
But we haven't stopped yet
Cause your smile gives me energy
Our rhythm won't die
And the sun starts to set
But it's actually a sunrise
If you think about it I'm right
Somewhere else in the world
It's coming up bright
And that's where we are
We're somewhere else in the world
It's my secret little island
And you are my girl
I wanna go back
I wanna get stuck
I want it to last
So wish us good luck


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