#Blessed, you know?

I just titled whatever this is going to be, because I am too thankful to wait till the end to say how blessed I am. I was born into an amazing family who cares for me, and they make amazing decisions for my life and they have gotten me this far. I am surrounded by awesome, over the top great friends. You guys seriously make my life. And God blessed me with music. :) I love music. He gave me 4 little brothers. Joshua, Caleb, Isaac, and Ethan. The last two are kind of adopted, but you know, I still feel the love x) I have two of the best guys in the world helping me in my walk with God. One of them just got baptized which is amazing, and the other drives me crazy but I know will always be there for me any day and any time, except when he can't get a ride to my house! ;) God put this one awesome person in my life and that person really helps me get through every day with a smile on my face! When Jesus died on the cross, I crossed his mind. He thought of Joseph Arze. The weird, wacky dude that he hand-crafted. He thought to himself that He was dying so that his wonderful creation who is obsessed with drums, sometimes basketball, Peter Pan, and Arms Open Wide could be saved. And He did the same for all my friends and my family and everyone I know and everyone on the planet earth and everyone who ever was and ever will be on the planet earth. But he knows us. He loves us so much that each individual person crossed His mind when he took our punishment upon Himself. Thank you God for saving me! Thank you God for saving me! So He did that, and to add to it, he gave me this amazing life! The ABSOLUTE VERY LEAST that I can do for Him is live my whole life focused on Him. Thanking Him every single day for everything that He has done for me, and sharing this good news with everyone who doesn't know. My whole life is yours; I give it all surrendered to your Name. And forever I will pray: have your way. Have your way. My whole life is yours. I give it all surrendered to your name. And forever I will pray: Have your way. Have your way.


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