Sweet Dreams

In honor to you
you who can't sleep
Goodnight my darling
start counting those sheep
Because I know we can't talk
Because it is a few minutes too late
If you go on that walk
Walk towards the lake
The bench is still there
though the train is far gone
and we can sit down and start
counting stars one by one
Borrow the board
You'll bring it back some time, right?
Again we will soar
And this time our flight
Will be past Neverland and past the stars
Past the sun and our galaxy and all that they are
Out of the border of time we will keep flying
So we can sit and enjoy our dying
Dying as in living you see
Because of course the law of entropy
Our new world will be so far away
That everything can be different, everything changed
Everything can be colorful and there will be no pain
Everything complex and amazing but at the same time plain
The universe will revolve around us
You will have all that you want without a fuss
You will have these luxuries and everything else
In my ideal world, we will speak Welsh
Except maybe not, I'd say it's up to you
We could make a new language too!
There will be no sucky government
and no stinky school
No need for education
Because education's not cool
And we will be the only ones
On this far away planet
We'll have so much fun
We will have all that we need
And something new everyday
There will be no fear, pain, selfishness or greed
Because there's no need for it anyway!
Imagine it more
As much as you can
Think all the details and bores
Just so you have this picture and plan
Paint a tree and a lake
And the prettiest of things
See the mountain, bake a cake
Picture a diamond ring
All to be found in this beautiful land
That we still have not named
It is better than Neverland
Oh so much more
This dream land of ours
Is accesible by a door
This door only you have, but you can share it, see?
All who you want to be there will be there I think
It is welcomed to any idea, person, place, or thing
You can even bring your whole family tree
Now again I want you to picture this place
With all that you want so far out of space
Picture the greatest place in the world darling
And please don't ever stop dreaming
Because you fell asleep on that park bench
We were on our 8,931st star
And ironically too
8 photo booth pictures on that wonderful night
9 letters in Neverland, count them, I'm right
3 siblings both, our coaches, fans, and supporters
1 team you and I, we're great, ask the reporters
Now in that time we imagined your world
The greatest place outside the universe
I want that to be where you are when you close your eyes
So picture it again and realize
that that is where you are right now
And you can stay there
As you fall asleep
So when you dream
You will be the happiest girl in the world


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