
All I needed was one,
The sun is plenty bright
When you give it to me

I will always take more
of those awesome solar flares
Do they represent your smile?

Because they are brighter
Than anything else
Its like the sun is in my atmosphere

But it doesn't burn
It just gives me energy
Lots of it

So keep shining
Keep smiling
Keep walking on the moon

Each star you are collecting
Helps me not to break
Because I'm close

I've got the white crease
Like plastic
But I'm not broken

I've got the splinters
Like wood
But I'm not broken

I've got strands holding on
Like rope
But I'm not broken

Because I'm a cartographer
That's what I do
And I'm mapping the moon

We are done with this planet
We've discovered it all
Let's move on

Second star on the right
And straight on till morning


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