Zooming In

The universe--
Oh, so big
Seems void of anything
But contains everything
Billions and billions
Can't describe it
That universe

Our Galaxy
Stars and Stars
Planets and Planets
So many colors
Just floating in space
But such structure
Wonderful, beautiful place

Our solar system
The sun in the middle
The center of our lives
And our revolutions
The other planets
Someday we will find
What's there

Earth is-
Well, it is our home
But so much more
The home to all 
The animals, plants, and us
The oceans, and the land...

United States of America
Our Land
Our Freedom
Our Liberty
A land that welcomes our gratitude
In all 50 States
And in mine

The biggest of them all
Well except that outcast up north
Our rodeos, baptist churches, and Whataburgers,
Gig 'em
It will snow tomorrow?

In Rockwall
Yes, just east of Big D
tiny, tiny county
With a dang huge courthouse
It's my home
Do I ever want to leave?
Not really

I open the map
It shows the earth
I love to zoom in
All the way to Rockwall
Everything is so huge
When you zoom out
But if you zoom in-
A lot
A ton
All the way in
Street view
Things are much smaller
You can appreciate them
Because of their hugeness
And their tininess
Now read it again
Go to google maps and zoom
All the way to your house
I'm sure you can do it
And see things as they get bigger
As you get smaller
See them shrink
And grow
And realize
The most important thing of all



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