My Mourning Writing

A distant memory for my little brothers
A good memory for Alex and I
Many great memories for my mom 
And thousands for my grandma. 
Three and a half generations under her
There are memories
I don't remember too much but I remember her smile
I remember the nursing home she lived in a while
I remember her voice
I remember the love that went through all of the noise
I remember her eyes
The gentle eyes that showed she was beautiful and wise
I remember walking through the courtyard in New Jersey
Hearing her and my grandmother talk while we watched the birdies
I remember countless phone calls
Grandma would talk in her native tounge as I listened through the walls
Trying to catch the beautiful language they spoke
And then I broke
I had a dream one day that I could speak Spanish with Mamia and say
Tell me about your life
I know i love you and I know you love me but tell me about your life
Because I don't know much at all. Tell me about Puerto Rico
Tell me how it is to live where everything beautiful grows
Can I tell you about me? I play drums and guitar and music, see
I wanted to know her because I knew I loved her through what I saw in my grandmother
My old teacher of español
Told me that spanish will be the language of heaven
And I believed it. I still believe it. 
So some day, I will get to talk to Mamia all day
I will share with her
And she will share with me
Happy, like a family
Because that smile and that voice and the love that came out of her mouth
And her eyes, gentle, beautiful, and wise
I can't wait to get to know her. 
Tonight while we eat
We are thinking of you
And while you walk on gold streets
Know that I love you


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