And there's days when it rains
And it all streams down your face
And you run in and slam the door
And you fall with your face to the floor
And you don't want to get up
And you don't ever want to get up
So you think of all the things
That you wish had never had happened
And you burn your thoughts
With a blazing fire
And you watch as the edges turn black
And it starts to crumple itself
Until all you see is a fire
A burning piece of paper
And written on the inside
is "me 2015"
Because the thought of me is disgusting
And I want to barf when I look in the mirror
Because I see a messed up person
That does nothing for the society
And nothing for the economy
And nothing for the common good of America
And wastes resources
So many people wouldn't mind if I was gone
Yes, it's a wonderful life
Yes, God made me
Yes, I know but I don't want to know
Because days like this
I don't want to be valuable
I don't want to be a precious creation of God
Thank you God for making me
Because without you, everything in life would be absolutely pointless
And I should be pitied among all
Because if everyday if I was living for something else
It would disappoint me time and time and time again
Because everything in this world that isn't you
Is nothing
Money is nothing
Money is nothing
Money is nothing
And I should be thankful for what I have right now
And that I have you
Take these feelings of worthlessness away from me, Oh Lord
I know I'm not worthless
Please convince me
I want to run into your arms and feel your embrace
I wan't to hear you tell me that you love me
Because I feel like a failure
I want to forget
But I have to face the consequences
It was a stupid mistake
But it cost a whole lot of nothing
But it cost a whole lot of nothing


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