Tennis Ball

The ball once bought
In a nice sports store
Opened sometime
And hit to the floor

In the bushes
A boy picked it up
Gave it to his dog
His dog just a pup

Played for a day
Eventually lost
The ball far from home
Now without a cost

The seasons passed by
Spring into summer
The rain stormed down
Roar went the thunder

The wind it chilled
And the rain froze
Snow fell down
The ball three feet below

The skiers came
They did their sports
The season ending
No more snow forts

The yellow exposed
Under the last bit of ice
And once again found
By a boy, small and nice

Thrown like a snowball
Missed his dad by a hair
Rolled into a puddle
Maybe not found till next year

Now who possibly knows
The future of this ball
I made up the past
I only saw the fall

Could be used for tennis
What it was made for
But maybe a dog toy
Or thrown to the sea floor

Someday the ball could decay
Or it could be in a case
A prize winner ball
Or thrown in a face

The ball could cause blood
Or shouts of pure joy
Could be just worthless
For not a dog nor a boy

The ball has a destiny
It won't just sit in the mud
Could it ever make a difference?
Some say it could


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