I can't think of a title. So I am calling this poem, "I can't think of a title so I am just calling this poem, 'I can't...

I sit here and think
I don't have a deep thought
Your head is so creative
And mine is clearly not
You write with mystery
I write sappy songs
And somehow still
I think you'd sing along
It's that glimpse of simple
You must need
Because your thoughts keep you awake
And they make you bleed
So sometime we'll sit
On a blanket in a valley
And not think about life
We'll have fun undoubtedly
But I'll think as usual
And you won't have to
Well just relax some
And look at the view
Tell me where
We'll go to mountains or the beach
In a big city
We don't have to go skiing
Well go to an underwater hotel
Or an igloo under the northern lights
We can take off and sail
Or we can fly out of sight
And we'll get there sometime
And just sit down
We'll think of simple things
Like our simple hometown
So get sucked into the words
Uncreative and sappy
But there is a meaning
And I hope it makes you happy


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