
I walk in the doorway with a bag over my shoulder. My slides on my feet clap with every step I take. My hoodie keeps me nice and warm, but I still have chills when I open the next door and the court shines its glimmering wood at me. I step onto it with no words as people welcome me and ask me how I'm feeling. I walk all the way across the room to the back corner and I take off my hoodie. I remember the first time I did that. 17 points that night. I throw my slides and the jacket into my bag right after taking out the shoes. Those red and black death machines. I slip them on my feet and I spend the next five minutes tightening them and finishing it off with a knot. I slip the bag under the chair and I get up and walk to the desk in the middle of the court. There is a pad on the ground which I step on. I walk to the first line I see on the floor which curves with a 19 foot 9 inch radius. I get tossed a ball. The ball is orange with black lines through it. It is a little puffy but full with air and plenty bouncy. Just perfect. I throw the ball back and I close my eyes and step forward with my left foot followed by my right foot as I again catch the ball and at the same time, I look up and see the rim and zooming in even more I stare at a little loop holding up a net. I throw the ball up, pushing with my bent knees and my right arm with my left arm guiding the ball and making sure it goes right into the hoop, which it does when the small pop of the net confirms it. I look down and the 3 on my jersey gives me energy. I run across the court and leap up as high as I can to grab the rim of a side basket and I pull myself up 10 times. I hear a whistle blow and it means that it's my time. I jog around my half of the court bumping chests with Daryl and Landon, the other two members of the M.V.P. I walk to my place in the center of the court with Daryl to my diagonal forward right and Landon right behind me. Gavyn and Nico to my left and right. I was standing inside a 6 foot radius circle with a 2 foot radius circle inside. The person facing me was tall. Maybe a foot taller than me. The ref to my left held the ball that I shot the three pointer with. He blew the whistle once more and threw the ball straight up. I push up with my legs and put all my strength into a jump that puts me higher than the other guy. I feel the ball and I push it forward to Daryl who catches it. I start running and he starts dribbling. I feel the ball coming behind me and I catch it and throw it in the other basket to start the game 2-0. My routine is over, start thinking.


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