Let's Swim

The room is blue
With sand on the ground
And seashell speakers
To hear the waves
The room is soft
And very comfortable
With low lighting
And planes flying above
The room had a clock
And it said early evening
But it wasn't cold
It was perfect
The clock hadn't moved
In (148.85 minutes)
We don't need time
We don't need time
As I explore the room
A ticking starts
It wasn't the croc
And it wasn't the octopus
But I got distracted
With every fish I saw
And than an X
That marked a spot
I dug and I dug
It kept to itself
But I finally reached
The introverted chest
That finally opened up 
And pure gold poured out
And it rained from the ceiling
Of that saltwater room
And of the water flowers
Gold started to bloom
It got better
And only more valuable
The gold inside
That wonderful chest
As I looked more closely
There she stood 
And we both looked up
And understood
That the time went to quickly
That ticking clock
And looking at the time 
We went in shock
Because so much time had passed
It went by quick
Because time felt still
When you saw me dig
Time felt still
As I found the gold
Time felt still
We have almost grown old
But not yet!
We still have time
But we don't need time
And too much has gone by
And it made the hint
It couldn't break it, dear
The saltwater's filling
Let's swim out of here


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