There's This Guy I Don't Know Who Maybe Paints Red Things Blue

This is a song
That is to you
The one who paints
Red things blue

You took a chair
I'd call it scarlet
And you asked me
If you could borrow it

I, of course, said yes
And you brought it home
I asked why
"Oh I don't know"

"I like painting red things blue
It always makes the perfect hue
To me
Oh I never fail to like what I see
I like painting red things blue
It always makes me seem to be
Just happy
Oh I be just who I was made to be
I'm the one
That paints red things blue"

This is a song
That is to you
The one who paints
Red things blue

You took a cake
It was red velvet
You found your acrylics
I told you not to sell it...

It looked so good
Painted blue
Looked like the sky
Heard it tastes like glue

"I like painting red things blue
It always makes the perfect hue
To me
Oh I never fail to like what I see
I like painting red things blue
It always makes me seem to be
Just happy
Oh I be just who I was made to be
I'm the one
That paints red things blue"

"Because I cannot stand the thought of it
Just the mere remembrance
Of the blood, that ran right down her side

Because I cannot stand to look at it
I have to just get rid of it
The last promise, I made right at her side

I hope she remembers it."

"I like singing sad song blues
It always creates just something new
Some peace
Oh I never fail to hate what I sing
I like singing sad song blues
It always makes me seem to be
Less happy
But I do just what I have to do
I'm the one
That sings sad song blues
I'm the one
Who paints red things blue"

Don't judge people for doing something you at first think is weird of goofy. They might have some reasoning behind it. People always have more going on in their lives than you think  and before you know it, you've made fun of something serious that they have spent hours crying about. Don't worry, I wasn't bullied or anything. Nothing really inspired this, I just started writing and that's what came down. I actually didn't really even think at all while I was writing this. But it made me sniffle a little. Be kind to people :)


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