Never Again

They came in the summer
My good and my bad side
The same trip
But two different times

The first brought me down
Made my life a mess
Tempted me to do things
I would have never thought best

It destroyed my focus
On the one true King
And made me look for happiness
In worldly things

The other was joy
And it represented good
A sunshine world
Things like they should

Lost sight of it quickly
Because the bad side came back
And it caught me
I fell in the trap

Trying to escape
But always wanting more
My stupid sin nature
I couldn't just walk through the door

Tragic things happened
And I played a yet again
This time with a different bad side
Not acting like a man

Just being pulled into
Every sweet thing
Satan through at me
And oh did it sting

I kicked that one out
And the other left for a while
And I seized the moment
To climb up before I fell

And I met my good side again
The sun that peeked over the storm
And we bonded instantly
Even though we were both worn

The good always overcomes
And I think it will stay forever
This warmth that I'm feeling
And I'm acting better

It brought me back
Or closer to where I belong
Focused on Him
And writing happy songs

Because my life with my bad side
Was miserable and dreary
And everyday I looked at myself
Seeing a boy so weary

But now I have energy
Now I can soar
That good came to me
And we ran through the door

Thank you
For rescuing me
Because without you and Him
I'd be in dire need

Without you and Him
I'd still be lost in my sin


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