Please don't say those words
Don't say goodnight to me
Because when I see the color on the icon
It means you're listening to me
I don't want you to go
I don't want you to leave
I have to stay at the truck
To help myself from trying to keep you here with me
I don't feel strong
And you told me I'm not
Because the strength that I need
All comes from God
But I don't feel anything
And I can't get myself to pray
What in the world
Is making me feel this way?
I've never felt so sure
That He was next to me
Before this sixteenth year
Before two thousand fifteen
-So why am I feeling this now?
It's not one thing I've done
It's everything that I do
I feel like I'm living a lie
And nothing I say is true
Am I even having these feelings?
Or is my mind just tricking me?
Yeah, I'm emotional too
Oh this brain is a sea
So don't go, don't leave
I need you here next to me
The fog is thick and I can't see
The air is poison and I can't breathe
Be next to me
Please stay next to me
I'll think myself to a dream
Stay until I fall asleep


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