
I owe this  

To just one girl
The one that completely
Changed my world
I owe this 
because of her
I would not write
I'd not be heard
I owe this 

My whole imagination
It all came to life
At Beach Blast station
Where I decided 
To step off a train
To end the habits
Of just creating shame
I owe this

But I owe it partially
Because through God
I found that part of me
He used that girl
That goon of a girl
He used her 
To change my world
I don't know 

Quite where I'd be
If  I never found her

Right beside me
So thank the Lord
Thank Him good
For following through
Like I knew He would
He came through when I
Needed Him more than ever
And he introduced me
To yet another Forever
So thank the Lord
That He changed my life
And every single day
I know He's right

He will always be there for me
Because of True Love hanging on a tree
He gives a choice for us to be
All brand new, and you will see
He's come through just every time
Oh I am Yours and You are mine


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